Monday, March 24, 2008

The Professional Kitchen Project : Bringing Down the Walls

Little did the Laundry Room know....
that it was destined to become a Professional Kitchen (a culinary swan)

So after a great deal of planning, the blue tape was laid to mark out the sections of the room and the demolition started! The walls were removed to make room for the kitchen space. This involved the removal of a cloak room and sliding doors, floor tiles, unwanted shelving and doors.


Two men and a sledge hammer...

" Laundry walls Are falling down,
Falling down, Falling down.
Laundry walls Are falling down,
My fair kitchen.

Note: a shop vac is a wonderful thing - the walls crumble into plaster & dust....

The Professional Kitchen Project : The Move

So buying a house isn't stressful enough...

go on, let's build a Professional Kitchen!

The boxes and belongings from our two bedroom apartment only had a short journey to make to our new home on the west side of Boulder. It was a 20 minute drive which was made in 15 car/truck loads. Our place must have been like the Tardis!

Our household goods reminded me of those shrink wrapped t-shirts you could buy in the 80's. Simply add water and a 2 inch cubic square became an size XXL!

This is first in a series of "how to build your own professional kitchen".