Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Seed & Seedling Planning: Log 2009

Crops to Plant Directly in the Ground by 4/25

  • greens (chard, spinach and kale)
  • carrots
  • beets
  • radishes
  • lettuce
  • celeriac

Crops to Plant Directly in the Ground after Memorial Day

  • beans
  • squash
  • cucumbers

Seeds to Start Indoors: Started 4/11/2009
Plant Seeds:
Soil: Used pellets, germinated in the dark
Length of Germination: ?


- keep moist (not soggy), if they dry they die - soggy fungal nightmare
- when all seedlings show remove plastic cover (some say remove at sign of first sprout -test)
- seedlings must receive 14-16 hours of light per day

  • heirloom tomatoes
  • chili peppers
  • perenials: 3 types of marigolds & nasturtiums
  • eggplant (none)
  • onions (none)

Options to consider: landscape fabric vs heavy mulch, where to get seeds from, composting solution, fluorescent bulbs (4-tube ballast, 1"-2" above seedlings)

Moving to Larger Containers
Soil: Organic ?
Length of Time:
Tips: replant when roots of seedling hit the sides, spread apart the roots, use a container twice the size of the previous, water to settle the soil around the roots

Plant late May