Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Professional Kitchen Project : Electricians

The Power of Post-its

The US Department of Labor states:
"Electricians usually start their work by reading blueprints. Blueprints are technical diagrams that show the locations of circuits, outlets, load centers, panel boards, and other equipment."

If you don't have any blueprints handy we've found that post-it notes with the explicit wording such as "Light Switch" work well.

And there was light...which made the whole kitchen seem bigger, brighter & cleaner!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Professional Kitchen Project: Sinks

How Many Sinks??

A lesson to learn when building your own Professional Kitchen is that there is no such thing as too many sinks....

The mandatory stainless steel 3 section sink is a must for every certified kitchen. You'd think with three sinks you'd be able to wash your hands...

or what about the one back there on the left - um no that's the prep sink for washing ingredients,

here you go - this is the hand washing sink & to prevent any hand washing confusion there has to be a big bold sticker to clarify the issue.
"wash your hands"
<- (what a cutie-pie)

There's nothing quite like the quiet hum of Victory - this is our four door pass through - it's named after the fact that it has two doors on each side.

NOTE: A four door pass through is very, very, heavy and all of the weight is at the top!

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Professional Kitchen Project: Building Walls

Wall Frame & Plaster Board

The trick with building walls seems to be from the bottom up.

We used water-proof plaster board which could be tiled.
It's slightly larger & heavier but well worth it - who wants
soggy walls further down the road?

This is the main room - down at the bottom the room opens up to the left. The plaster board doesn't reflect the light so the room looks smaller that it does in reality.

NOTE: Plaster board is made of plaster at the end of the day so try and avoid jamming it into an enclosed vehicle as the corners can crumble.